Friday, October 24, 2008


Farewell for jessie at Ben's

Remember, is X halal! =)

Food is Normal :) Here it goes...

Group Photo..
When m i going to leave here?...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


你常常说 我很完美
没人取代 我给的一切
我就以为 我努力更完美
我们 就会永远
完美并不美 我们多虚伪
你让我的好 变成一种罪
完美并不美 当你爱了谁
我的完美也只是 不完美
值到更好的 陪在我身边
你不是我 你怎么能体会
你有 多么珍贵
nice song...=)

Million Smile =)

Just a quick night..i think food is ok but they dont think so =) keke.EQ food is bad,haha.

MM group picture.. and lastly QE2.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Muka Head~

Hiking..Everyone able to make it! bravo!
The sun is really hot!

After the group photo, our journey has begun..

We reached mukahead.

Nice view...You're nice&following us all the way up to light house, take care booby.

After that, our destination is light house!

Everyone is tired but still want to go haha.

Lastly, boat take us back to teluk bahang~.

Thank you all....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Zammai Sushi cream.Green tea is special..

The pink color sushi is nice but i forgot the name already..Sorry

thank to hling,yian and jc for hanging out with me.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mamma Mia

You can dance! are the dancing queen, young and sweet...only 17.. dancing queen... You can dance! You can jive! wuu.. wuu..

It's a nice show!